- English Lovers
A Symphony for Vienna
- Bar&Co
- 12. – 23. März 2024, Di-Sa um 20 Uhr
The English Lovers, expats (nearly) all, choose a musical form, the classical symphony, to inspire their improvised ode to this great city, their chosen home for a quarter century.
Night for night they’ll create urban images, stories and songs, from the bustle of Allegro through the pulsing, relentless inexorability of Largo and the sprightly playful Scherzo to the victorious Finale Rondo.
Seen through their eyes, the city of your experiences will seem both more familiar and more alien; Vienna as it is, was, and never will be.
This patchwork family of international improvisers were all once strangers in this no-longer-strange land. As such, they have chosen to use their spring run this year to support an association which provides a home to those in need of one: neunerhaus. Every evening, with the improvised scenes and music providing inspiration, a canvas will emerge before the eyes of their audience. After the finale of that night's Symphony, the artwork that has evolved throughout the evening will be auctioned off and the proceeds donated to neunerhaus.
May contain: Anne Weiner, Bronwynn Mertz-Penzinger, Dennis Kozeluh, Jacob Banigan, Jim Libby, Kathy Tanner, Michael Smulik, Sophie Kozeluh
Improvised Music: Belush Korenyi, Julia Radschiner
Improvised Lighting: Matthias Vanura, Michaela Pink
Improvised Painting: Alexander Czernin, Sophie Vitovec, Veronika Vitovec
We are grateful to the Drachengasse for supporting us in our endeavour, and to our awe-inspiring painters/illustrators/cartoonists.
Running time: 90 mins (Vormittagsvorstellungen: 60 mins)