The English Lovers’ Cabinet of Christmas Curiosities

  • Theater Drachengasse
  • 4. – 22. Dezember 2023, Di-Sa um 20 Uhr

Follow the crooked finger of our charmingly wicked shopkeeper into the depths of this most curious cabinet to find that special something that will charm, delight, and mesmerize that special someone. Your selections will be gaily wrapped in the Lovers’ unique mixture of mayhem, mischief and music, and you’re sure to leave our shop – and our show – with something unexpected.

May contain: Andrew Hefler, Anne Weiner, Dennis Kozeluh, Jacob Banigan, Jim Libby, Kathy Tanner, Michael Smulik, Sophie Kozeluh
Improvised Music: Belush Korenyi, Julia Radschiner
Improvised Lighting: Matthias Vanura, Michaela Pink

The Drachengasse Theater is a professional stage with close ties to the Viennese scene of independent theater creators, one of the smallest, highest-quality, young theaters that contain the English language in a variety of productions staged there. Drachengasse is in the emancipatory tradition that sees theatre as a social and political playground and a reliable partner for the younger generation of artists in Vienna.

The theater work of this magical place is professionally implemented and explosive in terms of content and formally demanding, but still accessible – theater for all for young people, especially immigrants and foreigners. The theatre group's production is titled THE ENGLISH LOVERS' CABINET OF CHRISTMAS CURIOSITIES.

The quirky Christmas shop to places that charm us all, whether we are Hanukkah or Christmas fans. The audience is involved and makes choices and this theater group leads the evening to strange and unexpected places. Naughty: And wonderful music. Cast: Anne Weiner, Bronwyn Merz-Penzinger, Dennis Kozeluh, Jacob Bunnigan, Jim Libby, Kathy Tanner, Michael Smulik, Sophie Kozeluh and the music is improvised by Beloush Korenyi and Julia Radschiner, Michaela Pink for the improvised lighting. The crowd was accordingly varied and the whole evening impromptu and unpredictable. In short, theatre at its fringe best, unobtrusive or unexpected., 22.12.2023

Spielplan Januar 2022